Greater chance of healing

thanks to the Bone Growth Stimulator

Get back on your feet quickly

A fracture can lead to a lot of discomfort and makes your daily life more difficult. That should be reason enough to make sure you heal quickly. The Bone Growth Stimulator will not only shorten the healing process of a fresh fracture, but it also speeds up the recovery of a fracture that is healing slowly (delayed), in the wrong manner (mal-) or not at all (non-union). This will get you back on your feet quickly, so you can get on with your daily life.

Comfortable discomfort

The Bone Growth Stimulator saves you time and prevents a(nother) surgical procedure. When a fracture has not healed properly after 10 to 12 weeks, surgery is often necessary. Unless, of course, there is an effective and less severe alternative available. The Bone Growth Stimulator keeps you out of the hospital and allows you to recover at home. More than 6,000 patients have already successfully used this product.